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Chlorella and spirulina benefits for women’s hormones - ENERGYbits

Chlorella and spirulina benefits for women’s hormones

, by Jessica Townsend, 16 min reading time

How do chlorella and spirulina benefit women’s hormones? Learn about the most common women’s hormone imbalance and how algae can help with estrogen dominance.

Your hormone levels and balance are central to all aspects of your well-being and health risks. Many women’s health issues could be connected to hormone imbalances and menopause. Given how many hormone disruptors a bre out there nowadays, it’s never been more important to support your hormones with the right nutrition. In this article, let’s dive deep into estrogen dominance and how algae tablets can help!

What Are Hormone Imbalances?

As a woman, you have estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and their precursors. These hormones naturally fluctuate in a delicate dance in their daily and monthly rhythm. If this delicate dance goes off the beat, you get hormone imbalance. One of the most common hormonal imbalances in women is estrogen dominance.  

Estrogen is perhaps one of the most crucial female hormones. It’s produced mainly by the ovaries, but your adrenal glands and fat tissues also produce some, especially after menopause. Aside from creating female sex characteristics, it also [1]

  • Regulates insulin activity
  • Maintains bone and cardiovascular health
  • Supports mental health and the nervous system
  • Facilitates fertility and pregnancy

That means you want to have healthy levels of good estrogen. However, it’s possible to have estrogen dominance with normal blood estrogen levels [1]. This is because blood tests only measure 1-3 forms of good estrogen–they never test environmental chemicals that act like estrogens or other half-destroyed estrogen that can cause problems. If you have the following symptoms, chances are you have estrogen dominance. 

Symptoms of estrogen dominance

Estrogen dominance contributes to the following symptoms [1], [2], [3]. However, bear in mind that estrogen dominance may not be the only issues. 

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such as cyclical irritability, breast tenderness/swelling, premenstrual discomfort, acne, constipation, bloating, and headaches
  • Low energy levels
  • Issues with sleep, especially near your periods
  • Brain fog
  • Hot flashes and night sweats. Estrogen dominance makes menopause worse. 
  • Hair loss
  • Mood issues
  • Changes in weight
  • Water retention
  • Low sex drive
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Heavy and painful periods
  • Infertility
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome has estrogen dominance as a contributor
  • Endometriosis


Beyond the mere discomfort, estrogen dominance can also come with long-term health risks, increasing the likelihood of developing estrogen-dominant conditions like breast and uterine cancers. It is something to get ahead on. First, let’s learn about the causes of estrogen dominance. 

What Causes Estrogen Dominance?

Many seemingly normal things can contribute to estrogen dominance, including [1], [2], [3], [4]:

  • Xenoestrogen exposures: Many chemicals are xenoestrogens. These can act like estrogen or interfere with estrogen breakdowns in your body. These chemicals are everywhere – in cosmetics, perfumes, deodorizers, drinking water, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, mold toxins, and industrial solvents.
  • Medications: For example, high-estrogen oral birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Poor elimination and detoxification: Having inefficient detoxification genes can reduce your capacity for removing used-up estrogens [5]. Also, being constipated or exposed to many xenoestrogens can make it worse. 
  • Perimenopause: The transition towards menopause can cause declining ovarian function. Starting in your late 20s, progesterone goes down, while estrogen decreases more slowly. This creates some estrogen dominance. 
  • Stress: Stress can interfere with all your hormones. However, it reduces progesterone more than estrogen, which can cause estrogen dominance.
  • Poor diet. Excess sugar, bad fat, conventional meat, and lack of fiber and polyphenols from vegetables
  • Poor gut health: A healthy digestive tract is crucial for hormone balance. Used estrogen is deactivated and eliminated through the stool. The gut bacteria also helps detox used estrogen and convert it into safe forms. Constipation and poor gut health can allow used estrogen to be taken back up and recirculated, leading to higher estrogen activity in the body [6].

The good news is that there are many things you can do to fix estrogen dominance and balance your hormones. Aside from managing stress, sleeping well, and minimizing your xenoestrogen exposure, boosting your nutrient status, detoxification, and gut health are key. This will help you have smooth cycles and menopause. 

​​How Do Chlorella and Spirulina Help Balance Hormones?

Chlorella and spirulina are hormone-balancing superfoods because they provide all the powerful nutrients you need to produce healthy hormones, detox used estrogens, and optimize your gut health. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into how they do so.

Support mitochondrial function

Your mitochondria are not only your cells’ energy production powerhouses, but they also help produce steroid hormones in your ovaries and adrenals [7]. When your mitochondria age, your cells age. It’s one of the reasons your hormones and fertility decrease with age. This is why most anti-aging biohacks bolster the mitochondria. 

Chlorella and spirulina are powerful mitochondrial supports because they can harvest light to produce energy. An animal study suggests that consuming raw chlorophyll may allow your cells to harvest energy from light and increase mitochondrial energy production [8]

Algae tablets also provide powerful whole-food nutrients and antioxidants for optimal mitochondrial function [9]. They also contain a high concentration of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, a potent antioxidant enzyme that protects the mitochondria [10]


Provide bioavailable micronutrients for hormones and wellbeing

Hormone production and removal of used hormones require nutrients, especially B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and selenium [11]. This is why suboptimal nutrient levels, which affect up to 90% of the population, can contribute to hormone imbalances [12]

Algae tablets provide all of these nutrients in bioavailable whole foods format [13]. Unlike other plant-based supplements, spirulina contains activated vitamin B12, which is important for hormonal health [14].


Finally, spirulina and chlorella contain plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA [15]. These fatty acids, which are particularly hard to get from your diet, are crucial for brain, heart, hormone balance, and fertility. They may even help smooth out PMS and menopause [16].

Help with blood sugar balance and metabolism

Your hormone balance depends a lot on how stable your blood sugar is, partly because blood sugar rollercoasters are very stressful for your body. Healthy blood sugar control is especially important during menopause, as poor blood sugar control can worsen hot flashes and other symptoms [17]

Spirulina and chlorella are very powerful foods that can help with blood sugar balance and metabolism. Studies show that they may do this by feeding the right gut bacteria, encouraging them to produce healthy compounds that help with your blood sugar and metabolism [18][R]. Some components inside algae may also slow down blood sugar absorption by blocking carbohydrate-digesting enzymes [19].

There is even some research suggesting that algae may help regulate appetite and reduce cravings for sugary and high-calorie foods [20]. This could indirectly support healthy blood sugar levels and metabolism.


Lastly, various nutrients and compounds in algae help with blood sugar and insulin function. These include: 

Support detoxification of used estrogen and xenoestrogens

Your body processes used hormones and xenoestrogen through the liver. Once it finishes its work, the liver secretes the waste into bile, which then gets eliminated with the stool. So, your liver and gut health, especially elimination, are crucial for hormone balance.

Antioxidants and nutrients found in algae can support liver function and promote its detoxification pathways  [24], [25]. By supporting liver function and mitigating oxidative stress from the liver, algae can support healthy estrogen detoxification. 


The chlorophyll in algae tablets also has powerful detoxification properties [26]. Studies show it may also protect against some negative health effects of xenoestrogens or chemicals that act like estrogen [22].


The algae’s prebiotic content also helps promote regularity and support estrogen elimination, binding them and helping your body remove them. This also helps support a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a big role in hormone metabolism.


Some research has even found that chlorella and spirulina have compounds that may influence estrogen metabolism [27]. They have compounds that may modulate estrogen functions and elimination. 

Balance inflammation

Inflammation normally fluctuates as part of normal menstrual cycles and menopause. However, lifestyle-related inflammation can throw off hormone balance and make things worse. 

Spirulina and chlorella have various components or benefits that promote healthy inflammatory responses, including:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, which counteract the pro-inflammatory effects of normal diets high in omega-6 fatty acids [13]
  • Gamma-linoleic acid, which is a very beneficial fatty acid for women’s health due to its inflammation-balancing properties [28]
  • Phycocyanins, which have immune-balancing properties
  • Chlorophyll, which also tends to have a balancing effect [29]
  • Promoting a healthy gut flora, which helps modulate immune functions
  • Supporting mitochondrial functions and antioxidant response

Do Chlorella and Spirulina Help with PMS and Menopause?

Chlorella and spirulina help address many root causes of hormonal imbalances. Now, you might be curious about how algae can help support women’s health, like menopause and PMS.


According to clinical studies, algae tablets may support the following in menopausal women:

  • Blood sugar regulation [14], which is linked to hot flashes, sleep issues, and overall health risks 
  • Bone health [30]
  • Metabolic health, especially with body weight and appetite [31]

What about PMS? In an 8-week placebo-controlled study of 44 young girls, researchers investigated if algae supplementation helped menstrual discomfort [32]. Participants were divided into two groups: one received chlorella supplements (1.5 grams per day), while the other received a placebo, for eight weeks. They found that the algae group had less menstrual discomfort, and experienced improvements in energy, headaches, and nausea. They also looked at blood work, which showed lower inflammation and oxidative stress compared to the placebo group. So, algae might be a good natural approach to helping with PMS symptoms and improving quality of life.

Final Thoughts

Algae tablets are your best friends for hormone balancing. They help address the root causes that contribute to common issues like PMS and menopause. Even better, they’re pure, clean, plant-based, safe, and easy to take. We want you to feel your best, and ENERGYbits® can help you get there!


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