Algae Research
Algae Research
Algae's like Chlorella and Spirulina have been studied for decades. Often algae is studied as a potential food source or for various health benefits. Even NASA studied Chlorella algae as a means of sustainable food and oxygen production in space. However in recent years with the fear and reality of global viruses like Covid-19 researchers have become more focused on the research that suggests that Chlorella strengthens your immune system, helping your body to fight off viruses and that Spirulina helps to penetrate and break down shells of viruses, including coronaviruses.
This has resulted in a flood of new research on Chlorella and Spirulina. We will present that research here as it becomes available. Many people have seen enough research already. Which is why global demand for Chlorella and Spirulina is spiking and supplies are getting scarce.
Spirulina Proven to Provide Immune support for elderly
Chlorella Proven to Provide Immune support for athletes
Nutrition and Immune System in the Field
How Nutrition Impacts the Immune System Pub
Amino Acids support Immune Functioning
Chlorella Proven to Provide General Immune boost
Chlorella Improves Quality of Life for Cancer Patients
Chlorella Had Anti-Tumor Affect and Extended Survival Times
Chlorella Showed Anti-aging and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Chlorella Proven to Reduce Inflammation
Chlorella Proven Beneficial Affects in Reducing Mental Stress
Chlorella Found to Help Relieve Symptoms from Fibromyalgia
Chlorella Found to Help Reduce Blood Pressure & Hypertension
Chlorella Helped Reduce High Blood Pressure & Hypertension
Chlorella Proven to Remove Heavy Metals
Chlorella Proven to Decrease Tissue Damage from Heavy Metals
Chlorella Proven to Remove Poisons from Food in Digestive Tract
How Specific Nutrients or Algae Support the Immune System
Vitamin A and D are essential for building the immune system
Vitamins and Trace Minerals that are required for Immune Functioning.
Chlorella Shown to Provide Resistance to Infection
Chlorella Shown To Reduce Infectious Viruses
Chlorella Improves Immunity, Immune-Brain-Gut Axis & T- Cells
Chlorella Improved Immune Response & Increased Natural Killer Cells
Chlorella Reduced Symptoms from Colitis, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension