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Why ENERGYbits® Algae Tablets Are the Best Sustainable Food - ENERGYbits

Why ENERGYbits® Algae Tablets Are the Best Sustainable Food

, by Catharine Arnston, 15 min reading time

Sustainable supplements benefit you and the planet. This Earth Day, take action by switching to eco-friendly algae tablets.

What Is the Earth Day 2024 Theme and Why?

Every year on April 22, countries from around the world observe Earth Day, including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries [1]

This year’s theme, “Planet vs Plastics” has a goal of reducing the production of plastics by 60% before the year 2040 [1]. This is timely. Plastics don’t only pose significant threats to ecosystems and wildlife – contaminating oceans, waterways, and landfills – but they also impact your health. For example, they leak chemicals that can disrupt your hormones and metabolism. 

The day is celebrated with community clean-ups, tree planting, education workshops, recycling drives, and other community events. Taking this global campaign locally ties individuals and communities together in showing support for Mother Earth. 

While this one day a year draws our attention to climate issues, we need to support green-friendly initiatives year-round. One way to do this is by supporting companies committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure a cleaner and healthier planet. 

Below, we break down what you need to know about the supplement industry. 

Sustainability Problems with Supplements

The fast-growing nature of the supplement industry means there are many new players and price-sensitive consumers. An elephant in the room here is sustainability – with consumers paying the price! 

While people are becoming increasingly aware of issues like nutrient depletion in the food chain and the health benefits of supplements, many common supplements can majorly contribute to your environmental footprint. It’s important to be aware of these issues so you can ask the right questions and make the right choices when possible.

Genetically modified (GMO) ingredients

Many supplement companies rely on the use of GMOs like corn or soy. These crops are often used as the cheapest source of key nutrients or as fillers in various products. 

While GMO varieties of these crops can be engineered to contain higher levels of certain nutrients or other desirable traits, it’s not a sustainable practice.


For example:

  • Growing GMO crops often involves using large amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • GMOs that have insecticidal proteins can increase resistant insects or affect pollinators.
  • Monoculture farming systems commonly associated with GMO crops can lead to soil degradation, erosion, and habitat losses for native species. 
  • The residual pesticides used for these crops can also be left in supplements and food, inevitably affecting your health.


Fermentation with genetically modified bacteria or fungi

Fermentation is a wonderful way to enhance nutrition and even create some new foods. Many vitamin, enzyme, and probiotic supplements come from industrial fermentation chambers [2]. However, large-scale fermentation with genetically modified bacteria and fungi can be unsustainable, depending on how the leftovers are discarded.

When these unnatural compounds enter the real world, they can interact with native species or transfer their genetic materials. This has the potential for ecological disruptions and the spreading of genetic modifications well beyond their intended boundaries. Plus, these products often rely on monoculture farming practices that use hard-hitting chemicals and pesticides, further contributing to soil degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity losses.


We also do not have good long-term data on the effects of consuming products derived through these fermentation methods – either to our health, or ecosystems. This raises concerns about potential risks and unintended consequences.

Chemical extraction processes

When isolating compounds from food or ferments for supplements, the extraction processes can impact the environment in multiple ways [2], [3]. These methods often require significant amounts of energy mainly from non-renewable sources, like fossil fuels. This contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbates climate change.

Solvents and waste products from extraction methods often end up as pollutants. If not properly managed, they can end up in water sources and soil, causing contamination and harming local ecosystems. Also, these chemical residues can sometimes remain in the final product, which can be a big health risk to consumers.



Aligning well with this year’s Earth Day theme, plastic packaging is perhaps the biggest problem facing the supplement industry today [2]. The problems include:

  • If not recycled, it ends up in landfills.
  • It contributes to carbon dioxide emissions and leaches harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Its production consumes significant amounts of natural resources, like petroleum and water, also contributing to pollution.
  • Over time, it degrades into small microplastic particles. These can contaminate water sources, soil, and even the air, posing risks to human health and wildlife.

Understandably, balancing the need to deliver intact products with sustainability can be challenging. This is why we use no plastic bottles, only minimal packaging that protects your algae tablets from UV rays and moisture. 

Transport & supply chain

Ever wonder how your supplements get to your door? Likely, these products are not sourced locally, and require transport over long distances to get to you.

These transport options often use fossil-fuel-powered vehicles (like trucks, ships, and airplanes) that generate greenhouse gas emissions. Some products might even require refrigeration along the supply chain, which consumes significant energy. Refrigeration can increase greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substances.  

Sustainable supplements go beyond degradable packaging. It is important to consider their environmental impact and choose products from companies prioritizing sustainability throughout the production process – from sourcing to packaging and distribution.

Why Choose Sustainable Supplements Like ENERGYbits®?

Algae supplements, like ENERGYbits® stand out as one of the most sustainable food supplements on the market. Let’s jump into why.


Negative carbon footprint, especially chlorella

Algae have a negative carbon footprint, especially with species like Chlorella in RECOVERYbits®. The algae take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, using these molecules for growth [4].


Improves the environment and earth, rather than hurting it

Unlike land-based agriculture, algae cultivation does not compete for arable land or freshwater resources, which minimizes environmental impacts [5]. Our algae are grown in clean freshwater tanks in Taiwan, an eco-conscious country. 

No genetically-modified organisms or animals involved

ENERGYbits®  uses no GMOs in our production process, meaning there is no risk of them interfering with native species or impacting habitats. As a bonus, we also use no pesticides or chemicals typically needed by GMO farms.

Minimal packaging

ENERGYbits®  uses sustainable packing methods, reducing the risk that such materials end up in landfills where they can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions or rely on petroleums. 

No chemicals involved in the production process

While other supplements need a laundry list of chemicals to extract and produce products, algae products including ENERGYbits®  utilize natural nutrient sources (including CO2) without the need for synthetic fertilizers or chemicals.

No refrigeration involved

Most algae products do not need to be refrigerated, which reduces energy consumption during transport and storage. ENERGYbits® works hard to ensure that our product remains fresh and shelf-stable.

Provides many nutritional benefits of animal-based foods

Animal-based foods can have a significant environmental footprint. Livestock farming, especially cows, produces large amounts of methane which is a potent greenhouse gas that has contributed to climate change [6]. Plus, meat production requires lots of land and water which are valuable environmental resources.

Algae are one of the best superfoods– rich in vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and all the essential amino acids [7]. They are also great for collagen, supporting skin health and elasticity.


Now, let’s talk about evidence-based reasons why sustainable supplements are the best for our future:

Set the new standard for the supplement industry

“You vote with your dollar” rings especially true when it comes to sustainability initiatives. When you invest in products from companies committed to sustainable practices, you endorse environmental preservation and opt against supporting companies lacking such commitments. Supporting brands that value the environment sends a message to the industry that consumers value this responsibility. This can encourage more companies to adopt sustainable practices, leading to broader positive impacts. 

Instead of contributing to deforestation, habitat destruction, and depletion of natural resources, you focus on protecting the ecosystem and maintaining biodiversity [8]

Sustainable supplement companies promote environmental conservation by reducing their ecological footprints in production, packaging, and distribution [9]. By choosing sustainably sourced ingredients, eco-friendly or biodegradable packaging, and low-emission distribution practices, you can help set the new standard for the supplement industry.


Supporting sustainable sources

Supplement ingredients come from a variety of sources, with many products containing ingredients derived from plant or animal compounds. Some of these ingredients may be from endangered or threatened species. Sourcing some of these ingredients can result in habitat destruction and impact delicate ecosystems needed for plants and animals to thrive [10].

Sustainable companies source their ingredients responsibly. For example, they choose plants or other materials that are harvested or grown using minimally destructive methods to minimize habitat destruction and support biodiversity. Sometimes, this takes innovation or creating a new supply chain like buying from certified organic farms or wildcrafting operations that adhere to specific standards. By buying from these companies, you support the existence of these innovations and supply chains.


Prioritize ethical & fair-trade practices

Companies focused on sustainability often prioritize ethical and fair-trade practices, ensuring that the workers involved in their supply chain receive fair wages and operate in safe conditions. This can promote social responsibility, support communities in regions where ingredients are sourced, and ensure respect for workers’ rights. By choosing sustainable supplements, you as a consumer can contribute to the well-being of the many communities often involved in the supply chain.


Higher quality and healthier products

Sustainable supplements tend to be healthier options for consumers. You’re consuming simpler and purer products made with love. You get just the natural ingredients without unnecessary additives or synthetic chemicals, promoting both individual health and the well-being of ecosystems. They also often use organic farming practices, reducing your exposure to harmful pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers.

Final Notes

This Earth Day, let’s change the narrative on the climate impacts on supplements. ENERGYbits® offers a sustainable, environmentally, and nutritionally dense alternative, making them an ideal choice for your health and the planet. 


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