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Algae: A Stunningly Simple & Sustainable Solution - ENERGYbits

Algae: A Stunningly Simple & Sustainable Solution

, by Catharine Arnston, 17 min reading time

We are at a crossroads. Our oceans are toxic, our rainforests are disappearing, our glaciers are melting, our fresh water is diminishing, our soils are lifeless, our food is artificial, severe weather is worsening and greenhouse gasses are at an all-time high. If we don’t change our ways, the environmental damage will worsen and be irreversible by 2030.

How did this happen?

For starters, we have become trapped in a vicious circle of overproduction and over-reliance on industrial agricultural that is unsustainable. Our food supply has become focused on speed, not need. This approach has stripped our food, land and health of anything natural. We are feeding our bodies, minds, children and world with old, unhealthy, unsustainable choices and habits. It’s time to re-evaluate. Old fashioned, real food and regenerative agriculture needs a chance to come back so it can replace the artificial, life-less, soul-less, chemically enhanced fake food that is making all of us sick, including our earth.

Soil Contamination Image
Our food and soil is stripped of so many important nutrients.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

We can change. We can learn. We can recover. Both our earth and your body can heal naturally. You just need to patiently learn what it needs and once you know, you have to provide it. That’s all. It’s pretty simple actually. No huge drama. No big commitments. All you need to do is inform yourself more about healthier options, make a few better choices based on your new awareness and eventually you will see improvements in self-care and earth care.

Are you ready to get started? Do you want to be part of the solution instead of the problem (no judgement or blame -we’re all in this together). Do you want to learn how to make a few better choices so you and our earth can heal? If contributing to the collective regeneration of mother earth while getting healthier too sounds cool, keep reading!

Even better. Its super easy. All you need to do is make a few better choices each day. That’s it! Things like making simpler, cleaner food choices, using toxin-free beauty products, buying healthier, sustainable products from small passionate companies, reducing your reliance on pharmaceuticals and trying holistic treatments or ancient herbal remedies to heal.

When you do this, you will feel better, look better and you will also make a positive impact on the health of the planet. All this and more from just a few simple, better choices made each day. Want to reverse the damaging downward cycle and replace it with an upward, healing one?

Good. Let’s get started!

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One of the easiest, proven, fastest ways you can improve your health and the health of the planet is by taking algae. Yep- you heard that right! Algae was the first life on earth over four billion years ago and thanks to algae we have life on earth. Ironically, four billion years later it looks like algae is not only going to be earth’s clean-up crew, it’s going to breathe life back into it. Literally.

chlorella algae compared to 551 lbs of vegetables

How algae can help…

Algae is largely responsible for providing us with 80% of Earth’s oxygen and absorbing our CO2. So, yeah… you could say that algae is already saving the world.

But algae does so much more. It has the potential to solve most of our environmental, food and sustainability challenges while playing a pivotal role in reversing the impacts of climate change at the same time.

Let’s take a deeper dive to see how algae can help save your health and help save the health of our planet.

scientist holding algae
Algae is increasingly being used in everything from biofuel, plant-protein products, natural flavor additives, apparel material, food colorants, and more!

Algae can be grown anywhere, anytime:

Algae saves our land: One fascinating thing about algae is that it grows 10 – 100 x faster than any other plant or crop. And it uses less than a tenth of the land that is needed to produce an equivalent amount of food. It grows in shallow freshwater ponds or indoors with LED lights so it can be grown on non-productive and non-arable land ANYWHERE and does not compete for agricultural land.

Algae saves our water: Algae is already used at virtually every water treatment plant in the USA and around the world to clean and disinfect the water we consume every day <1>. Researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science have even found a way to coat spirulina algae so it not only removes contaminants from water, the remains can be made into biofuels <2>. Talk about a two-fold filtration system!

In view of this speedy growth rate – combined with the fact they can thrive virtually anywhere in the world (with the right conditions), growing microalgae could provide a variety of solutions to some of the world’s most pressing food and environmental problems.

Underwater picture of seaweed.
Algae is the original source of Omega-3s. Save the fish and eat algae!

Algae is cruelty-free:

The skyrocketing demand for fish oil (for its Omega-3) has created an environment crisis from overfishing. Entire schools of fish are disappearing, dead zones in the ocean are appearing and the precarious ecological balance of the oceans are at risk <3>. Nearly one third (perhaps more) of the world’s fisheries are in deep trouble. Fish are depleting faster than they can reproduce, and scientists believe that if current practices continue, our fisheries could collapse by 2050 <4>. There is no question that Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and depression but fish oil is an unsustainable and environmentally damaging source of it.

How algae can help…

Where do you think the fish get their Omega-3 from? If you guessed algae you were right! Fish get their Omega-3 from algae! So if you take algae, not only will you be giving your body the original source of Omega-3 (which is safer and never goes rancid like fish oil does), you will also help save the oceans and its aquaculture. By the way, algae is vegan. Fish oil isn’t. Save the fish, eat algae!

Algae has NO negative environmental impact:


The Environmental Protectant Agency confirms that animal agriculture is a leading cause of carbon-dioxide, nitrous-oxide, and methane emissions <5>. Animal agriculture causes more greenhouse emissions than all the world’s transportation systems combined <6>. Crazy right?

How algae can help…

Recently algae are started being added to cattle feed, which takes the gas-causing microbes in cow’s gut out of commission! Yeah algae! In fact, studies are showing that simply adding algae to cattle feed may reduce cattle methane emissions by up to 99%t <7>. Research is still being done but this is promising!

In addition to lessening the destructivity of cow farts (sorry to be so graphic!) … algae protects our air and helps us breathe. Marine algae provides about 80 percent of the oxygen on Earth, making it extremely important in our ecosystem and our lives <8>.


About 36 football fields worth of trees are lost every minute due to deforestation (80% of this is due to modern agriculture) <9>. ​

Algae farms use far less resources (water, land, energy) and product 30 times more protein than traditional crops.

How algae can help….

Algae farms produce 30-times more protein per acre than traditional field crops <10> and spirulina algae provides 200-times more protein per acre than beef <11>. Additionally, 2.2 lbs of beef causes 320 pounds of topsoil loss, yet spirulina does not deplete any topsoil and in fact helps improve topsoil by acting as a natural fertilizer <12>.

Don’t forget, algae can grow anywhere! It grows 10-100x faster than other crops and uses less than a tenth of the land. Algae is not only a superfood, it’s a super-crop!


You may be stunned to learn that 70 percent of the world’s fresh water is used for agricultural crops and livestock <13>. The total amount of water needed to produce one pound of beef is 1,799 gallons of water and one pound of pork takes 576 gallons of water <14>. WOW.

How algae can help….

Algae on the other hand, requires 50-times less water than crops such as corn, and 80-times less water than cattle <10>. Spirulina uses just six gallons of water for a 10-gram serving <12>. Algae’s preservation of water is one of the many reasons why it is considered the most eco-friendly crop in the world.

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Algae has more nutrients and protein than any food:

Algae not only has the highest concentration of protein in the world (3 x the protein in steak!) it is also is considered a complete protein- meaning it has all essential and non-essential amino acids you need. Amino acids are powerful protein building blocks that are crucial for every metabolic process in your body and make up most of the body’s cells, tissues and muscles.

chart of protein in ENERGYbits spirulina tablets

Even better?… the protein in algae is easily digested and immediately absorbed, making it 99% bioavailable within a few minutes. This compares to animal protein that can take up to three days to be absorbed and often you only end up with 10% of the amino acids.

That’s why algae is considered “efficient nutrition” and it also causes no gastric disturbances in comparison to other proteins. (Bonus: it doesn’t have the bad fats, cholesterol and calories that others protein sources have). And let’s not forget about the high chlorophyll and forty other vitamins and minerals found in algae that support your body and improve your immune system and gut health with their unique blend of nutrients and fermentation <15>.

Research has shown the amino acids in algae improve circulation by increasing nitric oxide in the blood, while also helping to decrease cholesterol levels <16>. Go algae!

Can be used in sustainable products:

Some of the greatest industrial pollution is from the fashion and textiles industries and while they are making many positive changes to correct this, there is much more to be done.

How algae can help….

Algae is so sustainable and flexible it is increasingly being used in a variety of commercial products, fabrics and materials, from tennis shoes to steel and fuel alternatives to veggie burgers <17>. A few of the big brands who are doing this include Reebok who has released a shoe made completely of plants including the liner that was made completely of algae; Gore-Tex who recently launched an entire outdoor clothing line made pf algae; and Unilever who recently invested in a UK company making disposable water bottles and condiment containers completely out of algae (so you could eat your water bottle once you have finished drinking the water in it!)

Green spirulina pasta with ENERGYbits
In addition to being used as a sustainable product, companies are adding algae to food products to make them more nutritious, like spirulina pasta!

Another exciting algae innovator is Bloom, who manufacture a foam/material out of algae that is used to create sustainable fabrics. Some of their clients using their algae fabrics include Merrill, Adidas, and H&M. During the harvesting of the algae, the Bloom technology also cleans the water so it can be returned to the freshwater ecosystem. This results in 225 bottles of filtered water being returned to the environment, and 21 balloons of CO2 kept from entering the atmosphere.

Dutch designers have also created polymers that can be used in 3D printing as a replacement for plastic <18>. In principle, they can make anything from shampoo bottles, to biodegradable water bottles, tableware or trash bins <19>. Using algae as a raw material could turn anything you use into a way to help the environment.

Are you seeing the pattern? Not only does algae use far less resources time and energy, but it also actually helps restore the planet in the process.

The list of companies using algae to produce a wide range of sustainable products is exploding. Yes. Exploding. You may not be aware of it but algae is increasingly being used in everything from biofuel, plant-protein products, natural flavor additives, apparel material, food colorants, etc. You can now find algae-based products in the most exclusive restaurants around the world as part of their menus, in cosmetic creams, and in many other products. They sky is the limit for algae!

Algae is extremely nutritious and medicinal:

The bottom line is that not only is algae the best way to help restore our environmental health, it is also the most nutrient-dense, high-protein, plant-based, sustainable food in the world that is better digestible and absorbable than any food on the planet. Need we say more?

coconut bowls with ENERGYbits spirulina
Try adding spirulina to your smoothies to make them more nutritious, delicious and beautiful!

Maybe you should try some!

Just a few algae tablets a day is all you need to see an improvement in your health, energy, mood and longevity. Remember what we said at the beginning about making small, better choices? Well, adding algae tablets from ENERGYbits®, is one of those small, better choices. Swallow or chew or add them to smoothies and in seconds you have given your body all the nutrients it needs from a plant-based, organically grown, sustainable food. No need to eat veggies or take any other supplements when you take ENERGYbits® algae tablets every day. And they fit into every diet and lifestyle choice from vegan, keto and paleo to low calorie or low carb.

ENERGYbits® algae tablets can also help prevent chronic illness, aging, heart disease, osteoporosis, brain issues, fatigue and hundreds of additional benefits <20>.

man and woman meditating in jungle
Every little “bit” helps. Just a few algae tablets a day is all you need to see an improvement in your health, energy, mood and longevity.

Let’s take care of Mother Earth, so she can take care of us…

Have you ever wondered why it feels so good to walk barefoot on grass or sand? We are all standing on a natural energy source – the Earth. When we walk barefoot on the Earth, we absorb this energy in the form of electrons. These enable us to get “grounded”, which makes us feel good – and is good for our bodies.

What is Grounding?

Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting to the earth’s natural energy, and abundance of electrons stored in the earth. Grounding has many healthful benefits. It has been scientifically proven to: reduce inflammation, increase circulation, help lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and increase energy.

HARMONY783 Footwear

HARMONY783 shoes let us connect to what the earth has to offer. Most footwear creates a barrier to grounding. Their proprietary technology enables us to get “grounded” when we walk directly on the Earth -grass, soil, sand, unsealed tile, brick and even concrete sidewalks. The best part?? They use algae as a sustainable source in their shoes!

Do your part to heal the earth with algae!

At ENERGYbits® we like to say that “every little bit helps.”

So look around, and see what small changes you can make in your food choices and lifestyle choices that could improve your health and the health of our earth. If each of us did this, collectively we would make a difference. Nothing big. Just something easy, small and sustainable. Just like our algae tablets!

At ENERGYbits® we proudly support sustainability and celebrate Earth Day every day. You can too! Visit us at www.energybits.com to purchase yours and start your journey to sustainability.

This month love your health and mother Earth with algae! To learn more and stay up to date with algae, sign-up for our newsletter here!


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4052567/
  2. https://www.empa.ch/web/s604/spirulina
  3. https://www.edf.org/oceans/overfishing-most-serious-threat-our-oceans#
  4. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/09/627229213/the-science-and-environmental-hazards-behind-fish-oil-supplements
  5. http://www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm
  6. http://www.fao.org/3/i3437e/i3437e.pdf
  7. https://www.goodfood.com.au/eat-out/news/the-fish-farmer-growing-seaweed-to-feed-cows-and-save-the-planet-20200214-h1lt88
  8. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/oceans/plants-alga-plankton.htm
  9. https://www.conservation.org/stories/11-deforestation-facts-you-need-to-know
  10. https://algaeindustrymagazine.com/foods-can-algae-microfarms-grow/
  11. https://www.hunger-undernutrition.org/blog/2011/03/micro-algae-spirulina-the-solution-to-malnutrition.html
  12. https://books.google.com/books?id=6EtHo7N3-PYC&pg=PT119&lpg=PT119&dq=spirulina+protein+per+acre&source=bl&ots=Jg_C1_L205&sig=b59-9wUoffxh2G0LNjbwKgdbrbo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMIpdyU8vLRxwIVQnE-Ch1-EQzn#v=onepage&q=spirulina%20protein%20per%20acre&f=false
  13. https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topics
  14. https://www.discovermagazine.com/environment/the-ripple-effect-of-meatless-monday-can-it-extend-to-china#.UjC7yz_hePD
  15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6471770/
  16. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22113870/
  17. https://www.fastcompany.com/90543908/how-one-lab-is-turning-algae-into-flip-flops-and-taking-on-big-plastic-in-the-process
  18. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/12/04/dutch-designers-eric-klarenbeek-maartje-dros-convert-algae-biopolymer-3d-printing-good-design-bad-world/
  19. https://www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/uploads/Research/TEG/Redistributing_material_supply_chains_for_3D_printing.pdf
  20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3576896/ login=true


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