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Hooray for Holidays with Algae! - ENERGYbits

Hooray for Holidays with Algae!

, by Catharine Arnston, 11 min reading time

The holiday season is full of fun and festivities, but it can also be filled with stress and exhaustion. Want a simple solution that keeps you fresh and not frazzled? It’s algae tablets!

The holidays are a time to be happy not harried so keep reading to learn why algae tablets are your best party accessory.

woman with Christmas tree, share hoy with bits wording
Spirulina and chlorella algae tablets will help you stay healthy through the holiday season!

More Energy for Festivities

This year, keep your energy as high as your holiday spirits with ENERGYbits® algae tablets. Unlike other energy boosting products, or sugary holiday treats, ENERGYbits® do not provide a burst of energy followed by a crash. Instead, these tiny tablets provide steady, sustained energy all naturally without the caffeine, sugar or chemicals! No carbs either!

When your body is missing key nutrients, it is impossible to think clearly or stay energized. That’s why taking ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets daily is especially important during the holidays.

Spirulina is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet. It’s packed with 64% protein, 40+ vitamins/minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll, phytonutrients and so much more. Just swallow a few tablets each morning or any time you are hungry or when your energy dips and you will be instantly nourished and refreshed <1>.

woman doing yoga with Christmas tree and ENERGYbits products
Spirulina’s 64% protein will help keep you energized, all naturally!

Spirulina has been documented in thousands of studies as a natural source of energy that improves both physical and mental abilities. Researchers from Ohio State University showed that after eight weeks, participants taking spirulina demonstrated significant reductions in feelings of mental and physical fatigue <2>.

Stay Healthy for the Holidays

With so many fun holiday events on your calendar, the last thing you want is a cold to slow you down. Right? That’s why taking chlorella algae every day is so important. Chlorella is a wellness alga (unlike spirulina which is an energizing algae).

Did you know your immune system can only work if it has specific nutrients. And guess where those nutrients come from? Yep, they come from you and the food you eat. RECOVERYbits® are 100% chlorella algae – a food proven to boost the immune system, remove toxins and keep your body strong and healthy! In fact chlorella contains all of the anti-viral nutrients your immune system need such as Vitamin A, Zinc, Vitamin D, Chlorophyll, Vitamin E and B Vitamins <3>.

chart of immune boosting nutrients found in ENERGYbits algae
Spirulina and chlorella have all of the immune boosting nutrients that you need to keep illness away this holiday season!

In one study, researchers studied individuals and their immune system’s response to chlorella and found that after eight weeks of chlorella intake, natural killer cell activity improved <4>. Natural killer cells are an essential part of your immune system and rapidly respond to infections <5>. Other research has shown chlorella can help decrease oxidative stress, which is harmful to the immune system <6>.

Want to stay healthy this holiday? RECOVERYbits® chlorella algae tablets are an effortless way to do that (and taste great when eaten with pistachios or almonds!). RECOVERYbits® are the ideal way to flood your body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, chlorophyll, and protein so you can stay healthy through the winter <7>. Gift your loved ones, and your immune system with RECOVERYbits® algae tablets this year!

boxes of RECOVERYbits with santa hat
Give the gift of health with RECOVERYbits chlorella tablets!

Improve Holiday Mood and Reduce Stress

Stress is inevitable during the holidays, but it doesn’t have to take a toll on your holiday mood! Algae is so high in protein, it’s an excellent food for balancing blood sugar (no more hangry). This helps stabilize your mood and the high tryptophan in algae improves it even more since tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, the “happy” neurotransmitter in your brain.

And if that wasn’t enough to put a smile on your face, consider that algae tablets are effortless. Just swallow and go. Easy Peasy. Maybe this year you should put a few packets in your Christmas stockings and even leave some for Santa under the tree instead of milk and cookies!

man and woman doing yoga in front of Christmas tree with ENERGYbits products
Spirulina and chlorella can help to boost your mood, reduce stress and keep you focused during the hustle and bustle of the holidays!

Scientists even studied the effect of algae on participants suffering from depression and anxiety and found that the participants taking algae experienced significant improvements in their mood and anxiety <8>. So you see, our bits of green can chase your blues away!

Another way of maintaining a positive attitude is by ensuring you have enough melatonin and serotonin. The precursor to both is tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in all of ENERGYbits® algae tablets <9>.

Depleted or low serotonin levels have adverse effects on both mood and cognition and can increase feelings of anxiety or depression. The tryptophan in algae tablets makes it easy and effortless to keep you in your “happy place” so you’ll be sure to stay on everyone’s “nice” list! <10>.

candy canes and ENERGYbits tins
Make sure to stock up on algae this Holiday season to avoid sugar cravings and over eating at parties.

Avoid the Post-Party Hangover

We’re are all for enjoying a few cocktails and letting loose at holiday parties so no judgement here! But the hangover the next day is no fun. Want a fool-proof, proven way to avoid one?

Simply take RECOVERYbits® chlorella tablets (20 –30 tablets) before you go to bed and voila! You will wake up fresh as a daisy – no hangover. Honest.

How is this possible you may ask?

It’s because chlorella algae removes toxins, heavy metals and yes even alcohol! Chlorella’s hard exterior cell wall attaches to anything it perceives as a toxin, binds to it like a magnet and removes it from your body. This is why biological dentists give chlorella to their patients when they remove fillings (which are full of mercury) and why the United Nations used it after the Chernobyl disaster and the Japanese used it after the Fukushima disaster to remove radiation <11>.

Chlorella is also loaded with forty vitamins/minerals so it does far more than just remove the bad stuff, it nourishes you with all the good stuff too! <12>

RECOVERYbits chlorella with Christmas decorations and a glass of wine.
RECOVERYbits® chlorella tablets help remove toxins and even alcohol to help prevent hangovers!

And if that wasn’t a good enough reason to take RECOVERYbits® tablets every night, consider that chlorella algae contains the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. It even has more chlorophyll than liquid chlorophyll!

Chlorophyll is a green pigment that cleanses your body , cells, blood and liver naturally. It even keeps your breath fresh for those moments of passion under the mistletoe! Did you know that chlorophyll and your red blood cells (hemoglobin) are virtually the same? Yup. That alone should give you a hint of how important chlorophyll is your health <13>.

Taking RECOVERYbits® algae tablets every night removes toxin, alcohol and any other nasties that you have been exposed to during the day so it’s like giving your body a shower from the inside. And when you are clean on the inside, everything is better, yes even your holidays!

Holiday place setting with RECOVERYbits on plate.
Chlorella is a chelator to help remove heavy metals and other toxins that you may be exposed to over the holidays.

Sleep Better

Busy holidays and late festive nights make it tough to get a good night’s sleep. Right? Yet sleep is essential to your health <14>.

Scientists have identified the connections between insufficient sleep and disease and have concluded that inadequate sleep not only increases your risk of medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease <15>, it can alter the levels of the hormones involved in metabolism, appetite regulation, energy levels, mood and stress response <16>.

Santa Clause sleeping in chair with ENERGYbits products in lap.
Chlorella has the highest concentration on tryptophan in the world to help you have a good nights sleep.

Fortunately, chlorella algae like RECOVERYbits® tablets contain the highest concentration of tryptophan in the world (with ENERGYbits® spirulina algae not far behind). Tryptophan converts to melatonin, a hormone that help you relax and achieve deeper sleep <17>.

Studies have shown that taking just one gram of tryptophan at bedtime can significantly improve the quality of your sleep <18>. Chlorella algae has 1.24 grams of tryptophan– almost five times the amount found in turkey <19>. Even better, algae support your body’s natural melatonin production, which is ideal for long-term quality sleep (this will especially come in handy on Christmas Eve when Santa is on the way, and you’re too excited to sleep)!

Our Holiday Wish for You!

NASA feeds algae to the astronauts because it’s the most nutrient-dense, effortless food in the world. If algae has been proven to improve space travel just image how much it can do for you. Heck, why should the astronauts be the only ones enjoying algae’s benefits! You deserve them too and it is our holiday wish that you can try them soon. Let’s make this your best holiday ever.

Merry Bitsmas and Happy Holidays from Team Bits!

Merry Bitsmas picture with products.


  1. https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/20010119/Ergogenic_and_antioxidant_effects_of_spirulina_supplementation_in_humans
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26888417/
  3. https://visuals.energybits.com/articles/wellness-benefits-of-RB-chlorella-and-supporting-science.pdf
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3511195/
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22849818/
  6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23865357/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816465/
  8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20938423/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728667/
  10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11331552/
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4734693/
  12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26561078/
  13. hhttps://visuals.energybits.com/charts/hemoglobin-vs-chlorophyll-square-white.png
  14. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389945704001078
  15. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16466124/
  16. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/0003-4819-141-11-200412070-00008
  17. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25407790/
  18. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/469515/
  19. https://visuals.energybits.com/articles/tryptophan-helps-correct-anxiety-and-poor-sleep.pdf


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