Spirulina and Chlorella Preventive Health Benefits
, by Catharine Arnston, 10 min reading time
, by Catharine Arnston, 10 min reading time
Take control of your health with the preventive health benefits of algae!
Nowadays, less than 10% of Americans eat enough vegetables and fruits [1]. Correspondingly, the lack of dietary fiber and plant-based micronutrients drive the rise of conditions from general fatigue and overweight to cancers, cardiovascular conditions, and more [2].
These are largely diet and lifestyle conditions, so it’s far easier and cheaper to prevent them through food than to treat these conditions after they’ve appeared. However, fresh produce isn’t always easy to come by or convenient to eat. In the US, the produce you consume may have traveled thousands of miles to reach you, losing most of its nutrients along the way. In addition, your day-to-day exposure to toxins like pesticides and pollutants can increase your nutritional needs.
This is where algae tablets come in. They’re also shelf-stable, portable, and easy to consume. Most importantly, they’re packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds you need for optimal health and detoxification every day.
This article covers how algae tablets can combat your risk for chronic disease by supporting your overall health and promoting longevity.
Spirulina and chlorella are nutrient powerhouses that serve as your nutritional insurance. They provide whole food sources of:
Complete plant-based proteins, especially from spirulina
Healthy fats, such as the pre-formed omega-3s EPA and DHA, and good omega-6 like GLA. These are crucial for your brain, heart, and skin health [3].
Commonly deficient minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and selenium [4]
Vitamins A, C, and E, which serve as antioxidants [5]
B vitamins and several other nutrients for cellular energy production [4]
As whole food sources of these nutrients, spirulina and chlorella come with all the cofactors necessary for your body to absorb and readily make use of them.
Spirulina in ENERGYbits® is a powerhouse when it comes to promoting heart health. Here are some of the ways it helps take care of your heart.
Various clinical trials found that 1-4.5 grams of spirulina (4-18 tablets) for 4-12 weeks increased HDL cholesterol while reducing LDL and triglycerides already within normal ranges [6]. Research has also found that it helps the body process cholesterol more effectively, getting rid of excess cholesterol by improving liver function [6].
In one study, 87 adults receiving 1 g/day of spirulina for 12 weeks had significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides [7]. The study also found an improvement in HDL cholesterol [7].
Spirulina in ENERGYbits® supports blood vessel health in various ways, including:
Supporting healthy inflammatory response [6]
Increasing nitric oxide production, which relaxes the blood vessels [8]
Increasing protective antioxidant enzymes
Some natural compounds in spirulina inhibit enzymes that raise blood pressure or boost other biochemical processes that lower blood pressure [6].
In one study, 52 adults received 2 g of spirulina per day for 3 months [9]. Researchers found that the spirulina group had 35% lower C-reactive proteins and improved nitric oxide levels.
Another small trial of 16 participants found that 2 g of spirulina per day for 12 weeks found significant reductions in markers of endothelial damage [10].
Various clinical trials have confirmed the blood pressure benefits of spirulina. Researchers found that consuming 2 grams of spirulina-enriched salad dressing for 8 weeks reduced blood pressure [8]. Another trial using 4.5 grams of spirulina daily for 12 weeks found significant improvements in systolic blood pressure [10].
Spirulina also enhances antioxidant activity in the body, which fights excess oxidative stress—a major contributor to cardiovascular risk.
In a study of 37 healthy people, 8 grams of spirulina per day was able to reduce oxidized LDL levels by 24%. The spirulina also increased the activity of the key antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase and reduced markers of lipid peroxidation markers by 20% [6].
Blood sugar is crucial for hormone balance, brain health, longevity, and pretty much all aspects of your health. Spirulina can be a powerful food to help keep your blood sugar optimized despite an imperfect diet and lifestyle. It also helps minimize cravings and support your weight loss efforts.
Spirulina can be a great blood sugar support by optimizing how your body processes sugar molecules (known as glucose) [11]. Some studies suggest that spirulina may improve insulin production and secretion in the pancreas [12].
Cell studies show that spirulina contains proteins that help liver cells absorb glucose and store it as glycogen, which helps manage blood glucose levels [12].
Spirulina can also block the action of specific enzymes, like α-amylase and α-glucosidase, which are involved in breaking down carbohydrates [13]. Through this action, it can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, reducing the impact of a high-carbohydrate meal on your blood sugar.
Various clinical trials and animal studies unequivocally confirm the blood sugar benefits of spirulina. In a two-month clinical trial using 2 grams of spirulina daily, researchers found positive impacts on fasting blood sugar levels and post-meal blood sugar levels [14]. Another study using 8 grams per day over 3 months also found significant improvements in fasting blood sugar [15]. Finally, 2 grams per day across 3 months showed significant improvements in fasting blood sugar, post-meal blood sugar, and HbA1C—a marker of long-term blood sugar control [16].
Spirulina improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your cells to absorb glucose more efficiently. One way it seems to do this is by increasing levels of adiponectin, a protein that helps insulin work better [12].
In a study involving 6 grams of spirulina daily for six months, it was found that spirulina supplementation significantly reduced the HOMA-IR index, a widely used measure of insulin response [17].
While you may not immediately link healthy digestion with preventive health, research confirms that gut health has ripple effects throughout your body. From a prevention lens, a healthy digestive tract can not only reduce the risk for gut-related conditions such as colon cancer, but even systemic ones like obesity, diabetes, and even mental health [18].
Chlorella, found in RECOVERYbits ® and VITALITYbits®, protects your gut, improves digestion, and supports a balanced immune response, making it a valuable supplement for overall gut health [19].
One of the big reasons chlorella is such a superstar when it comes to gut health is because it contains a compound called β-1,3-glucan, a water-soluble fiber that acts as a prebiotic [20]. β-1,3-glucan and other components of chlorella feed your beneficial gut bacteria and help them thrive. Also, the fermentation of β-1,3-glucan produces beneficial short-chain fatty acids, which feed your gut cells and strengthen them [20]. Altogether, these benefits promote balance and optimal health throughout your body [20].
Chlorella's effects seem to be even more powerful when combined with specific strains of probiotics, like Bifidobacterium animalis sp. lactis. When consumed together, research finds synergistic effects, improving the health benefits of both the algae and the probiotics [21].
Nowadays, more and more people struggle with occasional brain fog and forgetfulness, even at a young age. Neurodegenerative diseases and age-related cognitive decline are also on the rise [22]. Researchers are still uncovering more about these conditions. For now, one of the best things you can do early on is ensure your brain is receiving the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets are a fantastic support for brain function and cognition. Not only does spirulina provide essential nutrients important for brain function—like omega-3s, B vitamins, and antioxidants—it also helps blood flow to the brain and overall cognitive function [23].
Studies find spirulina helps modulate inflammation in the brain, which is an important factor for many brain conditions [23]. Most people have some small amounts of the bacterial toxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the blood, especially after unhealthy meals. The immune response to the LPS can cause suboptimal brain function [24]. In animals, spirulina protects brain cells from LPS. They also found improvements in immune response markers, including IL-1β, which can influence brain health.
Researchers also find benefits for improving cognitive function and brain regeneration [23]. In another animal study, spirulina supplementation improved memory and learning by increasing antioxidant activity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [25]. BDNF is like fertilizer for your brain—it helps grow and maintain neurons, which is crucial for memory and learning, and for healthy brain aging.
Many of the benefits of spirulina for brain health come from its antioxidant levels, which can help protect your neurons from day-to-day oxidative damage [23].
Bone health becomes increasingly important as we get older. Maintaining bone mineral density, or having strong bones, is crucial for preventing fractures in old age. In fact, studies find that maintaining strong bones as you age impacts everything from daily functioning to even mortality [26]!
Both spirulina and chlorella, found VITALITYbits®, are rich in key nutrients important for bone health. Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K are all compounds needed for strong bones. Algae tablets are also one of the most alkaline foods, which may help your body build bones instead of removing calcium to maintain your blood alkalinity. Combined, these nutrients help maintain bone mineral density as we age. By starting now, you can set yourself up for optimal health in later life.
Our food supply might be at a crisis with the lack of plant-based nutrients, declining nutrient levels, and increasing toxicity. Together, these factors are driving the increase in chronic diseases, so much so that it now seems normal for people to suffer. The good news is that you can protect yourself from these diet and lifestyle diseases by providing your body with what it needs—the right nutrition, exercise, sleep, and more.
Here at ENERGYbits®, we want to empower you to take care of yourself with whole food nutrients that can support your journey to optimal health. No matter your age, taking a preventive approach to health is one of the best things you can do to mitigate your risk for everything from heart disease all the way to bone health.