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Tips to Survive Thanksgiving - ENERGYbits

Tips to Survive Thanksgiving

, by Catharine Arnston, 5 min reading time

Thanksgiving is arguably the best holiday of the year. Who doesn’t love a holiday that focuses on food and family? But this is also a day that can cause many to panic as they think about the holiday parties that follow and often lead to overeating. We’d like you to enjoy this holiday season without sabotaging your waist line! Noted below are a few simple tricks to help keep you slim all holiday season!

Workout Before The Big Meal

Working out before feasting will create a calorie deficit by burning off extra calories to start the day before digging into your favorite foods. Exercising can also help regulate your appetite and boost your metabolism. One way to stay active is to head outside with your family to play a game of backyard football or take a family walk before or after the big feast. This way you can spend time with your family while being physically active and still enjoy your favorite foods without guilt.

Eat Breakfast

Eating a small, high protein meal will help regulate your appetite. We recommend things like ENERGYbits®, eggs, nuts, nut butters, grass-fed chicken or beef or maybe Greek yogurt or cheese (if you eat dairy). This will help prevent you from overeating at the big meal.

Modify Recipes

There are plenty of ways to make traditional Thanksgiving meals healthier. You can exchange sugar and butter in recipes for healthier alternatives like honey, stevia, applesauce, and olive oil. For mashed potatoes you can use chicken broth, coconut oil, herbs or roasted garlic for flavor instead of butter and heavy cream. For dips you can use plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, it has a similar taste and consistency but the Greek yogurt is loaded in protein and has less calories.

Limit Hor D’oeuvres

Appetizers are often really yummy and easy to pop in your mouth, but can also be high in empty calories. It is important to remind yourself to not just eat food because it is in front of you and to save your calories for the food you actually love. Try to distance yourself from the hor d’oeuvres table by walking around to catch up with different friends and family members to focus on people instead of food. If you need to munch on some appetizers, try to choose fruits and vegetables over high calorie choices.

Watch What you Drink

Remember that liquid calories easily add up! Both beer and wine have over 100 calories in a single serving and can also dehydrate you and can interrupt your sleep causing you to be tired and worn the next day. Try having sparkling water in between alcoholic beverages and remember that moderation is key!

Eat Slowly and Skip Seconds

Turkey is tasty so make sure you chew slowly so you can actually taste all the flavor! Take your time eating by putting your fork down between each bite. This can help regulate your appetite too because it can actually take 15-20 minutes after eating to feel full. If you eat slowly, you are more likely to get full quicker and not stuff yourself. It can also be a challenge to not go for that second plate of food. To make sure that you get a taste of everything, try serving yourself a golf ball size portion of each option. This way you do not restrict yourself from your favorite foods but have enough to satisfy yourself.

Take Your BITS!

Your BITS can be your ultimate survival guide to Thanksgiving. You can take ENERGYbits in the morning for the energy to get you through the day and their high protein (64%) can help regulate your appetite and prevent you from overeating at the big feast. Take a handful before your Thanksgiving meal or any meal so you can feel satisfied sooner and eat less.

Taking RECOVERYbits® after drinking or eating will help you to feel fresh and alert the next day by puling out the alcohol and any other toxins. They help you avoid feeling sluggish the next day and prevent hangovers too! Taking RECOVERYbits every night before you go to bed is a natural and effortless way to help your body detox. You awake the next morning with pep in your step and a healthier body. And who doesn’t want that!

We hope these tips have helped! All of us at ENERGYbits wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and a Healthy, Happy Festive Holiday Season!


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