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Spirulina and Chlorella are Great for Mothers and Children! - ENERGYbits

Spirulina and Chlorella are Great for Mothers and Children!

, by Catharine Arnston, 10 min reading time

If you are a mother needing more energy or are looking for more natural, sustainable, whole-food solutions to preserve your health and beauty or are looking for more natural ways to get greens and nutrients into the diets of your picky children, algae has you covered.

What You’ll Learn

  • Taking algae every day reduces stress at mealtime and makes nutrition an easier task.
  • Algae is a great way to ensure wrinkles are kept to a bare minimum.
  • Chlorella algae and its high concentration of Vitamin K2 improve bone health.
  • Spirulina algae improves energy at all ages, which prevents “blood sugar crashes.”

In May, we celebrate all mothers. Whether you are a grandmother, stepmother, new mother or mother-in-law, everyone can benefit from the greatest mother of all – Mother Nature.

Mother Nature provides us with all the nourishment our bodies need for long, healthy lives but our hectic schedules often prevent us from seeing or appreciating all her gifts. Algae is one of those gifts that most U.S. consumers are still unaware of. Yet, algae is the most nutritionally dense food in the world and the first life on earth four billion years ago. In fact, algae’s nutritional profile is almost identical to mother’s breast milk – nature’s other perfect food.

If you are a mother needing more energy or are looking for more natural, sustainable, whole-food solutions to preserve your health and beauty or are looking for more natural ways to get greens and nutrients into the diets of your picky children, algae has you covered.

Who Is Algae For?

For the mother who has a picky eater

Every mother wants the best for her kids! From day one, that means proper nutrition. Many children are notoriously picky eaters, especially when it comes to eating vegetables. Algae is here to help, and the science shows why.

One study found that nutrition in spirulina algae helps reverse the effects of malnutrition of children.<1> Clinicians were able to quickly and significantly improve the nutritional status of malnourished children who supplemented their diet with spirulina. They found its amino acids, rare essential lipids, and wealth of vitamins and minerals were responsible for the improvement.<2>

Mother and Daughter
Supplementing your child’s diet with spirulina can take the stress out of game time or mealtime and make parenting a bit easier.

The fact that this tiny green superfood was able to improve nutrition in malnourished children is astonishing and should be a relief for moms of picky eaters. Even better, giving your child spirulina tablets before their soccer practice or whatever sport they are playing will improve their energy and focus without sugar, chemicals, gluten or processing. Score one for algae!

Bottom line, supplementing your child’s diet with spirulina can take the stress out of game time or mealtime and make parenting a bit easier, all with convenient, natural food.

As a bonus, spirulina and chlorella supplements like ENERGYbits and RECOVERYbits turn tongues green when chewed which kids love so much they turn it into a game. Who said you couldn’t play with your food!

For the mother who wants to keep her children healthy and happy

Another benefit of algae, especially chlorella algae, is its ability to help keep children healthy. School and play dates expose children to endless germs and colds. Fortunately, chlorella algae has been documented for decades as a reliable way to help build the immune system.<3>

Spirulina helps too. An NIH study found that spirulina supplementation increased crucial immune system cells and indicators, helping to strengthen the immune response of participants.<4> Keep your child’s immune system healthy with algae, so you don’t have to worry as much!

For the mother who wants to be mistaken for her daughter’s sister

Isn’t it fun when you are mistaken as the sister of your twenty-something daughter? Not an easy task but possible if you protect yourself from sun damage and eat a healthy diet full of nutrient-rich whole foods and chlorophyll. Fortunately, algae has both!

Poor nutrition is one of the most significant contributors to skin aging.<5> Studies show that wrinkles are caused not just by too much sun but also by too much sugar which causes collagen fibers to lose their strength and flexibility which leads to wrinkles. Similarly, a lack of essential nutrients like Vitamin K2 also causes wrinkles. Vitamin K2 removes calcium from soft tissue like skin, and if it is not removed, it can damage elastin and cause skin to collapse into wrinkles. Yikes.

Mother and Teen
Both chlorella and spirulina algae are loaded with Vitamin K2, antioxidants and chlorophyll to help keep your skin clear, radiant and beautiful, all naturally.

To be your most vibrant, radiant self, eating a sugar-free, nutrient-dense whole-food diet can help prevent these premature wrinkles.<6> And if you don’t believe us, we hope you will read the supporting science that confirms proper nutrition is the most effective way to protect yourself from skin aging.<7>

However, the reality is that many moms don’t have time to prepare nutrient-rich meals which is why taking algae tablets every day offers them the simplest, fastest solution give their skin the nutrients it needs. This includes Vitamin K2, plant-based protein, and antioxidants, which are crucial to reducing free radical damage of collagen and elastin.<8> Both chlorella and spirulina algae are loaded with Vitamin K2, antioxidants and chlorophyll to help keep your skin clear, radiant and beautiful, all naturally. And let’s not forget that spirulina satisfies your hunger for just one calorie per tablet. Hello, skinny jeans!

For the mother who wants to keep up with her grandchildren

Mothers dream of the day when their little ones grow up and have little ones of their own. But with grandparent-hood comes aging and aging often brings a general physical slowdown. This can be frustrating when all you want to do is keep up with the high energy of your grandkids! Preserving your energy, alertness, and bones are all essential if you’re going to stay active in your later years.

Osteoporosis. It’s a growing problem for all women, not just moms. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 80% of Americans with osteoporosis are women, and approximately one in two women over age 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis. Ouch.

That’s why it is essential for all women to take preventative measures now to ensure your bones stay strong throughout your lifetime. Supplementing a healthy diet with essential nutrients can ensure bone health well into old age. You may be surprised to know that one of the leading causes of osteoporosis is the loss of minerals in your bones. Not only do you need to replace these minerals constantly, but your bones also need Vitamin K2, which moves calcium out of soft tissue and into your bones.

Grandmother and Granddaughter
It is essential for all women to take preventative measures now to ensure your bones stay strong throughout your lifetime.

Algae has over 40 vitamins and minerals including K2, so algae’s got your back, your hip and everything else too! In a study done to evaluate the effect of algae supplementation on bone mineral loss, researchers found that mice given the algae supplement had significantly less bone mineral loss after 15 months than mice not given the algae. These researchers believe these results are readily applicable to humans as well.<9>

Similarly, recent studies show that Vitamin K2 is essential for bone health since it helps bones absorb calcium.<10> Unfortunately, Vitamin K2 is virtually non-existent in our food supply, and you can only find it in grass-fed animal protein, natto, and algae. That’s why taking algae every day is the easiest, fastest, vegan solution to getting your Vitamin K2 needs met!

One serving of spirulina algae tablets has 102mg of Vitamin K per serving, and one serving of chlorella tablets has 165mg of Vitamin K (which are over the recommended daily value). Adding chlorella algae to your daily routine will ensure your bones remain dense, flexible and strong and help protect you against osteoporosis. You can either swallow the tiny tablets or eat them as a snack since chlorella tastes great with sea salt, nuts, added as a salad garnish or added to a smoothie. No more fear of bone fractures while running after your grandchildren or dancing all night with the love of your life!

Spirulina algae is a fantastic source of natural energy. A study done to evaluate the effect of spirulina supplementation on blood glucose levels found that spirulina can even help prevent “crashes” of blood sugar levels.

Another issue for many grandparents (and parents!) is low energy levels. You may look at your children or grandchildren in awe and wonder where all that energy comes from. Well, envy no more! Spirulina algae is a fantastic source of natural energy. A study done to evaluate the effect of spirulina supplementation on blood glucose levels found that spirulina can even help prevent “crashes” of blood sugar levels.<11> Also, spirulina contains a high amount of protein (three times the amount found in steak), so your body can stay as energized as your soul!

Thank You, Moms!

Through all walks of life, mothers deserve a break. Whether it’s making family mealtimes easier, soccer times healthier, skin more radiant or keeping up with their children grandchildren, algae is every mom’s solution (and dads too!).

Mother Nature made algae possible. ENERGYbits® makes it easy and safe. Love your mom to bits this Mother’s Day with a gift of ENERGYbits algae tablets. Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5061973/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5061973/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3511195/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11962722
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3583891/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11293471
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3583891/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18709289
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2877502/
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4625766/
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12639401


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