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Snack Attack: Algae-Based Recipes and COMMUNITY CONTEST - ENERGYbits

Snack Attack: Algae-Based Recipes and COMMUNITY CONTEST

, by Catharine Arnston, 8 min reading time

It’s that time of the year folks: kids are going back to (virtual) school and adults are savoring the last summer days before hunkering down!

With Autumn approaching you may have noticed the leaves starting to lose their color. This is because there are fewer hours of sunlight in the fall, so the leaves can’t create as much chlorophyll (the vibrant green pigment that keeps them alive). Without chlorophyll, the leaves lose vitality, stop growing, and eventually fall off.

This season is a great example of how everything in nature is constantly responding to its environment!

You and your body are part of nature too, and just like the leaves you are constantly adapting to your environment. If you don’t give your body what it needs to be healthy (like nutrient-dense food), you lose your vitality just as the leaves do.

Maybe it’s the colder weather and shorter days that has us looking forward to carb and sugar-heavy comfort foods, or maybe it’s just that many of us are busier this time of year.

Regardless of the reason, many of us will grab any fast and easy foods that are in reach when life is go-go-go! This often leads to consuming processed, empty calories void of nutrition–hey, no judgement, we like cookies and candy too!

However with the fall and winter comes flu season, so it’s important to make sure your immune system is the equivalent of Rocky training before his big fight (you know the scene!).

ENERGYbits algae is a great addition to any healthy snack or lunch!
ENERGYbits algae is a great addition to any healthy snack or lunch!

What we eat is a HUGE factor in whether the immune system has the energy it needs to stay in fighting shape. Read on to learn how incorporating algae in your favorite recipes can help. Read more about our limited time community contest for readers like you to get a chance at winning ENERGYbits® free swag and product!

Health or Disease

Everything you eat communicates with your cells and genes and stimulates them to express in a healthy or unhealthy way <1>. Everything you eat either contributes to health or disease.

That’s a huge reason to eat healthy, and that’s why we love our algae tablets so much. Algae stimulates healthy gene expression, which in turn stimulates your body’s vitality, longevity, and health–it’s nature’s ultimate fountain of youth!

Spirulina can help curb hunger, and keep you energized and focused throughout the work day.
Spirulina can help curb hunger, and keep you energized and focused throughout the work day.

Any opportunity to include algae in your nutrition is better for you and your health. There’s tons of fun ways to incorporate ENERGYbits® into everyday recipes to give your food a green boost of nutrition! You can add algae to pasta sauces, desserts, or add them to snacks like smoothies and trail mix.

Read on to learn about two forms of ENERGYbits® algae–spirulina and chlorella–and the amazing health benefits you can get by simply adding them into your favorite recipes!

Curb Cravings with Spirulina

Oh no…it’s 3pm, lunch time was over hours ago, and dinner isn’t for another few! You’re getting hangry, and so what do you reach for?

If it’s sugary, fried, or processed, it most likely isn’t nutrient dense. Especially with sugary treats (aka leftover Halloween candy), you’ll experience a glucose crash soon after snacking. This leads to binging, more cravings, low energy, and even mood swings <2>! Yikes!

This is because refined sugar is a simple carb and our bodies don’t know what to do with them! Glucose spikes enter the bloodstream and then are quickly digested. You’ll be dragging through the rest of your day.

ENERGYbits© spirulina is here to save you! Scientific studies have found that the right amount of spirulina added to your daily diet can decrease cravings in between meals and curb unhealthy eating <3>.

In addition, spirulina is a natural antioxidant which is hugely beneficial to your immunity function and your immune system’s fighter cells <4>.

Chomping at the bit(s) for fun ways to incorporate spirulina into your diet? Try our favorite, refreshing spirulina iced tea to honor the end of summer, or our amazing and simple blueberry spirulina overnight oats–make them the night before so your morning is easier!

Stay Fuller, Longer with Chlorella

All of us could use more nutrients to help our digestion and immune system–and that’s where RECOVERYbits© chlorella comes in!

Unlike refined, processed snacks, chlorella has a myriad of health benefits due to being high in fiber, omega 3s, proteins, vitamins, and minerals <5>.

Plant protein and fiber keep your digestive system running and helps you to feel full and sated until your next meal!

ENERGYbits algae can help protect your health and boost your immune system!
ENERGYbits algae can help protect your health and boost your immune system!

Healthy snacks incorporating RECOVERYbits® chlorella will give you the essential nutrients your body needs to function and fend off winter colds, as well as control your appetite! Not to mention, chlorella has healing properties–it helps with weight management and flushes out toxins <6>!

Feeling full, focused, and happy with no midday crashes? Yes please! Try our favorite chlorella guacamole recipe for healthy fats, and for lunch or dinner, our detox chlorella pesto pasta!

The Brand Matters

Algae is a food, not a supplement or vitamin, and combined with a healthy lifestyle, can help support your body.

Quality algae products matter if you want the desired health outcomes that this superfood brings. Our algae is dry pressed with no heat, and we even process our chlorella with sound vibrations rather than glass beads other brands use which can contaminate your algae with lead–no thanks!

ENERGYbits® takes a different approach. As a premium algae brand, we pride ourselves on our high quality control. We grow our algae in triple filtered spring mountain water, air drying it without high heat (to preserve the enzymes).

We even process our chlorella with sound vibrations rather than glass beads other brands use which can contaminate your algae with lead–no thanks! ENERGYbits® algae is also tested by a third party lab in the USA to guarantee the best possible quality.

Just one ENERGYbits algae tablet is equal to the nutrients of a plate full of fruits & vegetables!
Just one ENERGYbits algae tablet is equal to the nutrients of a plate full of fruits & vegetables!

Here are just some of the nutrition benefits of adding our algae to your favorite recipes:

  • High Plant Protein (60% protein = 3 x steak)
  • High Organic Iron (48 x spinach)
  • High Chlorophyll ( 1,000 x greens)
  • High Antioxidants (1,000 x cherries)
  • High Vitamins & Minerals (1,000 x other vegetables)
  • High Fatty Acids (Omega-3 , DHA, GLA)
  • High Vitamin K2 protects heart, brain, skin and bones

Social Media Contest Alert! Cook Your Way to ENERGYbits® Swag!

Planning ahead with recipes and food prep is the best way to stay away from less nutritious snacks–that’s why we’ve included a few links to our own favorite recipes to get those wheels turning.

In addition, we are asking the ENERGYbits® community (that’s you!) to get creative and send/share your favorite algae recipes with us on Instagram! This contest is for a LIMITED TIME, so make sure to get cooking and check our Instagram account @Energybits for more details–we want to try all your yummy ideas!

ENERGYbits® team will pick three lucky winning recipes to feature throughout the month of September on our social media and blog. The 1st place winner will receive a free bag of bits ($120 value) and 2nd & 3rd place will receive free product and exclusive ENERGYbits® swag!


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6275017/
  2. https://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/sugar-binges-and-crashes#1
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5399840/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5274660/
  5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320067
  6. https://www.byrdie.com/chlorella-benefits


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