Catharine Arnston
Welcome to our blog! As the founder & ceo, I'm thrilled to share insights, stories, and tips with you. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth. Let's explore together!
Welcome to our blog! As the founder & ceo, I'm thrilled to share insights, stories, and tips with you. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth. Let's explore together!
Catharine Arnston speaks with Naomi Nakamura on the Live FAB Life podcast. Naomi Nakamura is a certified holistic health coach.
Looking for a healthy snack to serve at your Superbowl Party, your next Taco Tuesday, or simply a “go-to” to keep in your fridge? Chlorella...
Catharine Arnston joins Dr. Taz Bhatia on The Dr. Taz Show and shares how algae can help boost your immune system.
Catharine Arnston joins Drew Taddia on Exploring Mind and Body, a nationally-syndicated talk radio show in Canada.
Experts agree that higher doses of Vitamin K2 are necessary to fully take advantage of the vitamin’s benefits on cardiovascular health. However, few foods contain...
Take a closer look at 3 ways algae can help you improve your health, so you can make 2019 the best year ever!
‘Tis the season of celebration! Holiday parties are fun but the extra drinks and late nights can be tough. Want to enjoy the holiday festivities...
With the holidays fast approaching it’s time to celebrate! And since we want you and your family to stay healthy during the holidays, our ENERGYbits®...
Calling all beauty enthusiasts – BEAUTYbits are HERE! Plant-based ingestibles are the hot new segment in the beauty/wellness category and our company ENERGYbits® is the...
The term “biohack” is all the rage these days. But what does it actually mean? Biohacking is simply taking control of your environment so you...
Now that the lazy days of summer are over its time to give your body a reboot! Changing seasons can be a challenge to your...
Want to stay healthy, energized, and strong while trotting around the globe (or your hometown)? Whether you’re heading out on an international trip or enjoying...