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Catharine Arnston

Welcome to our blog! As the founder & ceo, I'm thrilled to share insights, stories, and tips with you. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth. Let's explore together!


  • Protect Women’s Wellness with Algae Tablets - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Protect Women’s Wellness with Algae Tablets

    Women`s Health At ENERGYbits®, Women`s health is a priority for us. A woman founded our company, and most of our team are women! So, when...

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  • Algae The Ultimate “Fast Food” - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Algae The Ultimate “Fast Food”

    We live in a fast-paced society, where instant results are desired and required. A mere tap of our finger gets us products or food in...

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  • The Dr. Gundry Podcast Recap - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston The Dr. Gundry Podcast Recap

    Catharine Arnston, Founder and CEO of ENERGYbits®, joins Dr. Gundry again! Dr. Steven Gundry is a renowned heart surgeon and New York Times bestselling author...

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  • The Energy Blueprint Podcast Recap - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston The Energy Blueprint Podcast Recap

    Ari is a tireless researcher. He has obsessively devoted the last 20 years of his life to the pursuit of being on the cutting‑edge of...

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  • The Myers Detox Podcast Recap - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston The Myers Detox Podcast Recap

    Wendy is passionate about educating the public on the importance of long-term detoxing considering our toxic world, that's why she loves algae! In this episode,...

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  • Inside Out Health Podcast Recap - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Inside Out Health Podcast Recap

    In this episode Catharine shares her most recent research about the amazing benefits of spirulina on mitochondrial health - you don’t want to miss out...

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  • Keto Kamp Podcast Recap - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Keto Kamp Podcast Recap

    In this episode, Catharine opens the show by speaking about the importance of superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.) for clearing free radicals. The highest concentration of S.O.D....

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  • Get Gutsy with Algae - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Get Gutsy with Algae

    Your gut is the epicenter of your health and life. It’s where your food is digested, your nutrients are absorbed, your hormones are balanced, your...

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  • Algae Tablets: Your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Algae Tablets: Your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty

    If you are looking for the newest insider beauty tip, you won’t find it at your favorite beauty counter. In fact, you may not even...

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  • Protect Your Mitochondria and Longevity with Algae - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Protect Your Mitochondria and Longevity with Algae

    Mitochondria have recently become the central focus of health researchers. Scientists have realized that your health and longevity is determined by these tiny “organelles’ called...

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  • Algae: Your One-Stop-Shop for Health and Self-Care - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Algae: Your One-Stop-Shop for Health and Self-Care

    Women and mothers should be celebrated every day and not just on Mother’s Day! Mothers are multi-taskers, cheerleaders, chefs, boo-boo fixers, shoulders to cry on,...

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  • Algae Love is Earth Love - ENERGYbits

    , by Catharine Arnston Algae Love is Earth Love

    Personal health and environmental health are inseparable. Our lifestyle choices like transportation and food create a carbon footprint that impacts our planet’s health. That’s why...

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